Saturday 13 July 2013

He planted me a rose garden...

My uncle loved his roses and also his bantams,he had guinea fowl too. It is nearly 11 years since Appy died but his roses live on. Jack has great pleasure in telling anyone who will listen to him that he "niver buy flue..ers" but what he doesn't say is he has planted a lot of rose bushes here for us and guests to enjoy. My Dad decided to try to grow the tallest and my friend Tricia uses the petals to make dyes. The other week when it was the flower event in the church my arrangement if you could call it that featured roses and I am quite fond of Roses chocolates too. Once my mum went away with my aunt to Whitby for the week and when she got back my dad had nearly cut every rose he had and filled at least 6 vases with them all over the house for my mum's return.